Open to the community
Held in the 1783 Meetingroom or, weather permitting, on the front lawn.
Sometimes we offer a meal before and, if playing outside, sometimes light the fire bowl.
See the Events page for details on the next drum circle.
Facilitated, usually
One of us will shape the experience so that everyone can participate.
BYO drum, tambourine, shakers, and any spare instruments to lend.
We have a few things to lend.
Parking for 230
Free, public parking for 230 cards cross the street. See here for parking info. The main entrance is on the left-hand, driveway-side of the building at the top of the ramp.
Also listed on Facebook here.
Also listed on Meetup here.
Attendance – Because we are listed on Facebook and Meetup and have a private email list, the number of people replying in any one social media location will be short of the total number of people coming.
$5 helps keep the lights on.