Sunday, April 1, 2018.

The first Sunday of every month at the conclusion of Meeting, Burlington Friends gather in the hall for fellowship and pot-luck refreshments. It’s a good day to see what attending and the group is like.

Those practicing Quakerism in the Burlington Meeting House do not form a large, official “Monthly Meeting” but rather a smaller, practicing “Worship Group.” They include adults and children, and have both a variety of spiritual beliefs and social and economic backgrounds.

They conduct a “Meeting for Worship” on Sundays at 10 a.m. that is “unprogrammed” — gathering in silence, without prearranged prayers, readings, sermons, hymns, or musical orchestrations.

After 45 minutes, a designated Friend says “Good Morning, Friends.” Then, everyone shakes hands with his or her neighbor.

Refreshments last about an hour. Join us!

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