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For Paddlers

I have five years’ experience on lakes and reservoirs but I have very little experience on Rivers. I have a recreational kayak. Will I need a sea kayak or a spray skirt?
If you have experience in some wind on a lake and have kayaked over boat wake successfully, you are experienced enough. You do not need a sea kayak or spray skirt.

Is it a scheduled activity to coincide with the tides or is it more of a put-in when you please kind of thing?
Each day’s paddle is one-way, downstream and timed with the outgoing tide. We will leave, lunch and end as a group. You can’t “catch up” to us or “jump in” as we pass by. We will be accompanied by safety boaters.

Is there camping available?
You can stay here Saturday night following the Festival of Lights. We have 88 beds and hot showers. There will be coffee and hot water in the am but bring your own non-perishable breakfast or get up early and go to one of the breakfast spots in town.



If you want to do your own shuttle by car, start this WAY, WAY ahead of the launch time.

If you paddle barefoot, bring your shoes in the kayak because you can’t get on the RiverLINE without shoes. Wear your shoes at the put-in, take-out and all stops.

If your recreational kayak does not have bulkheads (air- and water-tight compartments), get giant gym ball, half deflate it and cram it in the cockpit past your foot pedals and/or one behind your seat to prevent water from taking up that space should you swamp.

If you want to bring your gear back on the RiverLINE, bring a duffle bag IN your kayak. You can leave your gear with your boats while you shuttle, however.

If you are paddling both days and have kayak wheels, bring them to move your kayak from Saturday’s take out to the warehouse for overnight storage. You can leave the wheels in your car and take them out after the shuttle.

If you are paddling Sunday only and coming from PA over the Burlington-Bristol Bridge, leave 20 minutes earlier than usual in case the bridge goes up for a ship.

We will be paddling mostly into the wind, however light or heavy. If you are wet, not that this might make you feel cooler.

Walk-ins may only pay by cash.



**Required by law

Wheels, if you have them
PFD (Inflatable life jackets are not acceptable)**
Sunglasses (and regular glasses for touring Pennsbury Manor)
Drinks, snacks and lunch

Saturday Night

Change of clothes

Overnight/Both days of paddling

(or just a sleeping bag)
Perhaps some earplugs

Non-perishable breakfast and lunch for Sunday

Paddling clothes for Sunday