Friday, May 11 from 6 to 9 pm.

BYO dinner at 6pm. Drumming at 7p. Why Friday, May 11 and not our usual second Sunday? Because that Sunday is Mothers’ Day.

$5 at the door-
If it’s nice out that night, we’ll hold it on the front lawn. If we hold it in the 1783 Meetingroom, you’ll sit on a wood bench from 1680’s with initials carved in it from the 1800’s!

A Friend will shape the experience so that everyone can participate.

BYO drum, tambourine, etc.
Bring any spare instruments to lend.
We have a few things to lend.

Parking for 230-
Across the street. See website for parking info. Entrance is half-way down the driveway.

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